New on GIS OpenCourseWare: Planning for Urban Climate Adaptation


This week I've started teaching in the new module "Planning for Urban Climate Adaptation" of the MSc Programme on Water and Sustainable Development at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. Great news for you: you can follow along with the free tutorials available at GIS OpenCourseWare!

The step-by-step tutorials will teach you how to use QGIS to analyze and plan for the impacts of climate change on urban areas. You'll use open data in many different formats: vector and raster (files and tiles), OGC WFS and WCS, 3D vector tiles and point clouds.
Plugins used in the course: PDOK Services, MapTiler, Cesium ion, LecoS plugin, STAC API Browser, Qgis2threejs, WhiteboxTools.

For the course I've also made some new videos on my YouTube channel. Here's the playlist with useful videos for this course.