#30DayMapChallenge 2023
This year I've participated again in the #30DayMapChallenge, an initiative from Topi Tjukanov. Each day of November 2023, I created a map using open data and open source software and posted in on X.
This year was extra challenging, because the first 9 days I was traveling in Algeria. After that I had to teach at IHE Delft. Although it was a busy time, I've enjoyed participating and to challenge myself to be creative!
I've also enjoyed seeing so much creativity from people participating in this challenge.
Below you can see my results.

Day 1: points
at the border of 3 or 4 countries in Africa. Made with QGIS using the
UN country boundaries layer. Can you find the only quadripoint on the
Day 2: lines
in Algeria. I've tried to imitate the style of vintage French travel
posters. Map made with QGIS and OpenStreetMap data. Background image is
AI generated.
Day 3: Polygons
Let's use basin boundaries instead of country boundaries. Made with QGIS. Open data from HydroSHEDS.
Day 4: A bad map
with all Bad towns in Germany. The prefix Bad ("bath") in German
toponyms indicates the place is an officially acknowledged spa. Open
data from OpenStreetMap, made with QGIS. Qartoon style by Topi Tjukanov
downloaded from the QGIS Style Hub.
Day 5: Analog map
during a visit to University of Sciences and Technology Houari
Boumediene in Algiers with Zoubina Nemer, we bumped into some students
mapping the city. We were joined by a cat-ographer. Great to hear that
the students are fan of QGIS!
Day 6: Asia
Rivers in Asia. Open data from HydroSHEDS, made in QGIS with the Interpolated Line renderer. Here's a video.
Day 7: Navigation
Today I'm testing the new position tracking functionality of Mergin Maps while going to the WaPOR training in Algiers. Here's a video.
Day 8: Africa
currently in Africa (Algeria) giving a training on WaPOR concepts and
validation. So it makes sense to publish a map with open data from the
FAO WaPOR portal. The maps shows the gross biomass water productivity in
Africa in 2022. Made with QGIS.
Day 9: Hexagons
was the wettest October since the measurements started in the
Netherlands. To keep us dry, the water boards use pumping stations. Open
data from OpenStreetMap, made with QGIS.
Day 10: North America
evapotranspiration and interception in September 2023. Open data: FAO
WaPOR v3 (300 m resolution global) and major basins from HydroSHEDS.
Made with QGIS.
Day 11: Retro
Dutch railways in part of the Netherlands in retro style. Open data from OpenStreetMap. Made with QGIS.
Day 12: South America
Transboundary aquifers and major hydrological basins. Open data: IGRAC and HydroSHEDS.
Day 13: Choropleth
choropleth cartogram showing the trend in urbanisation in African
countries, with UN projections until 2050. Open data from Our World in
Data, made with QGIS using the temporal controller and geometry
generator. Here's a video on making cartograms.
Day 14: Europe
Trend in share of electricity production from solar and wind. Open data from Our World in
Data, made with QGIS.
Day 15: OpenStreetMap
week, I enjoyed exploring Algiers, the capital of Algeria. This map
shows the roads, including the small ones winding up the Casbah, a
UNESCO World Heritage Site. Open data from OpenStreetMap, made with
Day 16: Oceania
Root Zone Soil Moisture - beta product (Global - Dekadal - 300 m) - FAO
WaPOR v3 and Mapzen Global Terrain open data. Made with QGIS.
Day 17: Flow
experimenting with using Felt in class. At IHE Delft Institute for
Water Education I'm teaching about the Mara River Basin. I found out
that Felt has a great Interpolated Line Renderer to visualise Strahler
orders. Here's the interactive map.
Day 18: Atmosphere
Prediction of wind speed and direction over the Netherlands from today noon. Open data mesh: HARMONIE-AROME Cy40 model. Here's a video on how to make a similar map.
Day 19: 5 minute map
stations for upcoming elections in the Netherlands. Made with QGIS
using the MapTiler plugin for the Dark Matter vector tile backdrop and
open data.
Day 20: Outdoors
November 3rd, I joined Zoubina Nemer, Celia Hadj Ali and Nadir Louchahi
for a beautiful hike in Djurdjura National Park, Tikjda, Algeria.
Animated map made with QGIS. Backdrop: Outdoor vector tile via MapTiler
plugin with hillshade from Mapzen Global Terrain. This video shows how to import routes from Strava and create an outdoor map with the MapTiler plugin.
Day 21: Raster
Stream Power Index (SPI) blended with hillshade. Created with the PCRaster Tools plugin in QGIS. DTM from IGN France. Here's a video on calculating SPI with QGIS.
Day 22: North is not always up
Global South: a concept used to describe a grouping of countries along
lines of socio-economic and political characteristics according to
UNCTAD. Open data: UN borders. Made with QGIS.
Day 23: 3D
was trying the new 3D Tile support in QGIS 3.34. I've used the Cesium
ion plugin and flew around Rotterdam using the Google Photorealistic 3D
Tiles. Here's a video.
Day 24: Black and white
Street names in Rotterdam with
zwart = black
wit = white
Open data: OpenStreetMap, backdrop from CartoDB. Made with QGIS.
Day 25: Antarctica
projection with Antarctica in the centre. Data sources: Bing Satellite
blended with Mapzen Global Terrain exaggerated hillshade and UN borders.
Made with QGIS.
Day 26: Minimal
Netherlands shaped by water. Only one open data layer was used: KRW
waterbody polygons WFS via the PDOK Services plugin in QGIS.
Day 27: Dots
Elevation of the Netherlands. Open data: SRTM. Made with QGIS.
Day 28: Is this a chart or a map?
Elevation profile of the centre of Delft, the Netherlands. Open data: AHN4 point cloud. Made with QGIS. Here's a video.
Day 29: Population
The gender landscape of the Netherlands. Men per 100 women for each municipality. Delft!?
data: CBS. Created in QGIS. These data only includes binary genders and
does not account for the diversity of gender identities.
Day 30: My favourite...
are the ones that show the diversity of our students IHE Delft
Institute for Water Education in the MSc programmes and short courses.
Here you see the current batch of MSc students in the Water &
Sustainable Development programme on a world map with the major basins
from HydroSHEDS.
The free course Creating data visualisations with graphs, maps and animations at GIS OpenCourseWare is highly recommended.